Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remedies for Candida Die-Off Symptoms

sick nite (day 165)Image by soartsyithurts via Flickr
When doing a Candida cleanse, most people will experience die-off symptoms, also known as Herxheimer Reaction.  The reason this happens is because when the yeast begins to die it produces toxins so quickly the body can’t eliminate it fast enough.  Although quite severe at times, die-off symptoms don’t last forever and are a good sign that your chosen Candida detox protocol is working. 

Common Candida Die-Off Symptoms

    * Dizziness
    * Headache
    * Fuzzy thinking
    * Depression
    * Anxiety
    * Angry outbursts
    * Gas & bloating
    * Flatulence
    * Diarrhea
    * Constipation
    * Joint pain
    * Muscle pain
    * Body aches
    * Sore throat
    * Fatigue
    * Exhaustion
    * Need for more sleep
    * Sweating
    * Chills
    * Nausea
    * Skin breakouts

Although the list is long, if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms it’s a positive sign that your body is clearing out the fungal infection.  Over time these uncomfortable symptoms will diminish as health and energy increases.

Flush Out Candida with Water

Help your body to flush out the Candida Albicans by drinking at least half a gallon to one gallon of water or unsweetened herbal tea each day.  Unless recommended by your physician, don’t drink any more than one gallon unless you’re very dehydrated due to summer heat and/or intense physical exercise as this can cause an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes. 

Soak Out Candida in the Tub

Add one cup of Epsom salts or baking soda to a tub of water as hot as is comfortable.  Soak in the tub for up to half an hour to help draw out toxins through the pores of your skin.  Don’t soak in a hot tub though if you’re pregnant. 

Sweat Out Candida with Exercise

Exercising regularly produces sweat, in turn this helps to release toxins through the body’s largest organ, the skin.  By exercising 3-6 times a week for 20 or 30 minutes each time, you can assist your detoxification efforts, lift your mood, increase energy and health, and strengthen your muscles.  

Supplements Help Candida Die-Off

Vitamins that boost the immune system are helpful in reducing yeast die-off symptoms.  Some good choices are vitamins A, C, E, and selenium.  Fiber supplements such as psyllium husk or oat fiber will bind to toxins, pulling them from the body through elimination.  Take these as directed on the package labels.

Candida Die-Off Timeframe

The more intense your Candida cleanse program, the more severe your die-off symptoms will be.  Prescription drugs such as Nystatin tend to cause the worse die-off symptoms, with natural antifungals such as grapefruit see extract and oregano oil capsules causing slightly less severe symptoms. Depending on how long you’ve had Candida will usually determine how long symptoms will last.  The average time is approximately two weeks, though people heal at their own rate.  Symptoms are only temporary, showing that your cleansing program is working. 

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Low Hypothyroidism - Symptoms And Treatment Of Thyroid Disease

Diagram showing position of the parathyroid gl...Image via Wikipedia
Up to 60 million Americans may have thyroid problems, yet many are unaware that their multitude of symptoms may all be related to one very treatable disease.

The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. The butterfly-shaped organ is situated in the lower, front part of the neck and controls metabolism, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body should be to other hormones. The sole job of the thyroid is to produce thyroid hormone which affects nearly all tissues of the body, increasing cellular activity.


Fatigue and Mood Swings 

If you wake up in the morning still feeling tired and sluggish, even if you're getting eight to nine hours of sleep each night, it may point to low thyroid function. In cases of hyperthyroidism, you could have insomnia frequently--either finding it hard to get to sleep or stay asleep--and feel rundown during the day. People who have undiagnosed thyroid conditions may also experience mood swings such as anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Even when the person is on antidepressants, if there’s an underlying thyroid problem the depression is still present.  

Body Changes 

Your thyroid may not be operating properly if you gain weight or lose weight easily. With hypothyroidism, no matter how many diets you try, you may find it very hard to drop even a few pounds. Hyperthyroid sufferers tend to be thin and can’t seem to keep weight on. Your muscles may also feel stiff and sore, and your joints may be painful, especially in the morning after first getting out of bed. The heels of your feet may also hurt or feel bruised. In both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism the fingernails tend to be brittle, are thin, and break easily. Hair is usually dry, thin, and falls out or breaks, and is dry and coarse. The scalp may also be dry and itchy. 

Treatment for Thyroid Problems   

If you’re diagnosed with a thyroid problem after your doctor does a blood test, you may be put on a natural thyroid hormone such as Armour Thyroid, or a synthetic hormone like Synthroid. You will need to have your blood tested frequently in order to get the correct dosage of medication, and the pills are usually taken every day for the rest of the person’s life. Most people make a complete recovery from symptoms after a few months of treatment. 

Natural Thyroid Remedies 

The FDA hasn’t approved alternative treatments for thyroid disease, though many people have had positive experiences with supplements such as the amino acid tyrosine, and herbs like ashwagandha and bladderwrack. Regular exercise and a high fiber diet can also help to regulate thyroid function. 

According to Dr. Podell, the supplement selenium may be the "sleeping giant" when it comes to natural thyroid therapies. He states that, "Selenium is essential for converting T4 thyroid hormone into its active form, T3. Selenium may also have the ability to suppress anti-thyroid antibodies for persons who suffer from thyroid inflammation or thyroiditis." 

If you believe you could have a thyroid problem, contact your health care practitioner for testing and possible treatment.

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How To Help Concentration - Tips To Improve Memory

BrainImage via Wikipedia
If you find that your mind wanders when you need to stay focused, there are a few easy things you can do to improve concentration.

Stress, too much coffee or energy drinks, boredom, and even lack of exercise can cause poor memory and lack of concentration. Even if you are absorbed in a project, external disturbances can interrupt your train of thought. You may try to get back to your task, but find that the intrusion threw you off balance, making it difficult to concentrate. 

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Staying focused is often difficult when under a great deal of stress. Learning to improve your concentration and memory may be as easy as getting into the habit of bringing your mind back to your current project instead of allowing it to wander. Techniques like meditation or yoga can help quiet a restless mind, and improve memory and concentration. 

Relaxing can be as simple as sitting quietly for a few moments each day or listening to soothing music while letting your thoughts flow wherever they wish. This may sound counter-productive since you’d like to improve memory and concentration, but this method can work since you’re giving your mind permission to drift and daydream for awhile. Taking time out to de-stress may be all it takes to help you concentrate better.

Exercise and Deep Breathing

A quick and easy way to calm a racing mind and improve concentration is to practice deep breathing exercises. Whenever you feel unfocused, stop whatever you’re doing, close your eyes, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of five, hold for a count of five, then release your breath slowly through your mouth as you count to ten. (Imagine blowing on a spoonful of hot soup as you blow out.) Repeat this exercise three to ten times until you feel more relaxed and focused. 

Also, exercising for just 20 minutes a day, whether a walk around the block or time spent on a bike or treadmill, releases endorphins—chemicals in the brain that can boost your mood and clear your mind. 

Caffeine and Anxiety

Drinking too many caffeine-laden coffee or energy drinks may be the reason behind poor concentration in some people. If you reach for a double shot of espresso every time your energy wanes, your mind will soon protest by refusing to focus. Caffeine has many side effects such as causing fuzzy thinking, anxiety, adrenal exhaustion, and even fatigue once the coffee or energy drink wears off. Try to limit yourself to two cups of coffee per day. Better yet, replace caffeine drinks with herbal teas or water.

Poor concentration and memory problems can usually be corrected through exercise, stress reduction, and cutting back on caffeine. Within a week or two you should see substantial results in mental focus by following the suggestions listed here.

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Superfoods For Weight Loss

A Granny Smith appleImage via Wikipedia
Diets come and go, but these foods are always at the head of the class when it comes to warding off disease, increasing energy, and losing weight.

Here’s a list of the top seven foods that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and a host of other illnesses. Best of all, you can shed pounds and don’t have to change your current way of eating! Simply incorporate these foods into your daily diet and you’ll soon be well on your way to more vibrant health. 

Apples Can Lower Cholesterol Levels

Whether Red Delicious, Granny Smith, or any other type, apples are a good source of pectin. This is a fiber that can lower bad cholesterol and balance glucose levels. They’re a good source of vitamin C, the antioxidant that helps to boost your immune system and keeps blood vessels healthy. They’re also good for your teeth, helping them to stay strong and remove surface stains. 

Beans Can Balance Blood Glucose Levels

All beans are on the list of healthiest foods, but black beans are especially good. They’re loaded with fiber—about 60% of the recommended amount in just one-cup—which helps to keep blood glucose levels steady. They’re high in protein so you feel more energetic, and are also an excellent source of tryptophan—an amino acid that helps boost your mood and cut down on carb cravings. Beans have also been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and colon cancer.

Berries Can Help You See Better

Blueberries come out on top here, but all berries offer tremendous health benefits. They’re packed with vitamin C, which helps to kill off free radicals, and they contain a good amount of fiber, manganese, and calcium. What this all means is that by adding berries to your daily food menu you can enjoy such benefits as better night vision, reduced risk of certain cancers, better heart health, and clearer thinking. Just a cup a day is all it takes!

Green Vegetables Can Provide Mental Clarity

This includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and all other deep-green vegetables. Just one cup of cooked green vegetables, or two cups raw, can provide a good amount of vitamin C, folate, calcium, lutein, iron, and beta-carotene. They help strengthen the brain, blood, and immune system, and also have been shown to prevent cancer and even fight depression. Eat them raw to keep your digestive tract in shape. Since there are varying levels of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in these green vegetables, eat a wide variety of them to reap all of their benefits. Many people choose to have one type each day and rotate them. 

Nuts Can Boost Your Libido and Energy Levels 

Yes, nuts are good for you! Their protein and (good) fat content satisfies hunger and helps you to feel more energetic. They also contain fiber, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, potassium, iron, selenium, thiamin, and zinc. They’re nearly a multi-vitamin in themselves and have been touted as a libido booster, probably due to their zinc content and the positive effect their good fats have on the brain and body. Almonds come out on top, but different nuts have different ratios of vitamins and minerals, so have a handful or two of raw mixed nuts daily to get their full benefits. 

Salmon Can Reduce Pain 

Just one serving of salmon or albacore tuna twice a week can provide enough Omega 3 fatty acids, tryptophan, protein, vitamins D, B12 and niacin that you may find you no longer need over-the-counter pain killers for inflammation, or high-caffeine drinks for sustained energy. Not only that, but you can reduce your cholesterol levels, lower your risk of heart attack, and increase heart health overall. 

Sweet Potatoes Can Reduce Inflammation 

Whether you suffer from asthma, arthritis, or any other type of inflammation, sweet potatoes and all orange vegetables such as carrots and pumpkin, can offer relief. They’re incredibly high in beta-carotene and vitamin C—two top vitamins that help combat free radical damage and boost your immune system. That’s not all these orange veggies can do though, their B6 content helps to ward off heart attacks and stroke, while the fiber aids in keeping your colon healthy.

No matter what diets come and go, Mother Nature’s foods are always best for optimum health, and they’re much cheaper than prepackaged and fast food meals. By adding these top 7 foods to your daily diet, you’ll know that you’re covering all the bases where your health is concerned.

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How To Lose Weight With Herbs

Walking in Central ParkImage by Ed Yourdon via Flickr

If you're like most dieters, you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on weight loss books and products, but here are three safe and low-cost herbs that have multiple benefits besides dropping pounds.

Many people are constantly struggling with weight loss no matter what they try. It’s easy to feel tire, bloated and unmotivated, but these three herbs can truly help. Losing weight isn’t only about dropping pounds; a few other issues need to be addressed as well.

Why It's Difficult to Lose Weight:

It's no surprise that weight loss products and books are the number one seller year in and year out. Many people spend hundreds of dollars every year on the latest fad diet books and bottles of over the counter pills promising to help melt away the pounds.

Feeling motivated and optimistic for the first day or two is common, but this quickly leads to feelings of hunger and irritability. It’s easy to get tired of bland, high priced diet foods, and even easier to run to the nearest burger place for a super-sized everything. Weight loss pills are worse, leading to jitters and nervousness, or having no affect at all

Many dieters lose weight in the beginning, but find it difficult to continually eat microscopic portions of food day in and day out. Real people want real food! Stress, lack of sleep, and a shortage of time are the main reasons dieters go back to their old eating patterns.

The dieter falls off another diet bandwagon, gains the weight back, and starts all over again a few months later with another diet. It’s a common scenario, and one that helps the diet food, book, and supplement industries rake in millions of dollars every year.

Three Common Herbs That Can Help With Weight Loss:

Dandelion—Both the leaf and root. The leaf helps with water weight gain. Women are especially prone to bloating due to water retention. Another benefit of dandelion is it doesn’t deplete the body of potassium like other diuretics do. The root is an excellent liver detoxifier. A clogged up liver is one of the main causes of weight gain, poor elimination, headaches, and a long list of other problems.

Licorice Root—This herb has been used for centuries to help curb the appetite, aid digestion, reduce inflammation, support the adrenal glands and proper liver function, and is said to help reduce body fat.

Psyllium—This is a fiber supplement. By mixing a tablespoon in a glass of juice or a sugar-free drink such as Crystal Light and drinking it three times a day half an hour before each meal, it helps to provide a feeling of satiety. It’s also reported to aid in elimination, flushing out built up toxins in the body, and possibly reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Easy to Find, Safe and Effective:

These three easily obtained herbs are also low cost. They can be purchased at local health food stores, CVS, Walgreen's, Walmart, etc.

Herbal weight loss supplements are usually safe and gentle, providing a healthier alternative to strict fad diets and harsh diet pills packed with caffeine. Stress reduction, detoxifying the body, proper elimination, getting rid of excess water, and curbing the appetite naturally all go a long way to aid in permanent weight loss. The weight may not fall off over night, but slow and gradual weight loss tends to be more permanent.

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