When doing a Candida cleanse, most people will experience die-off symptoms, also known as Herxheimer Reaction. The reason this happens is because when the yeast begins to die it produces toxins so quickly the body can’t eliminate it fast enough. Although quite severe at times, die-off symptoms don’t last forever and are a good sign that your chosen Candida detox protocol is working.
Common Candida Die-Off Symptoms
* Dizziness
* Headache
* Fuzzy thinking
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Angry outbursts
* Gas & bloating
* Flatulence
* Diarrhea
* Constipation
* Joint pain
* Muscle pain
* Body aches
* Sore throat
* Fatigue
* Exhaustion
* Need for more sleep
* Sweating
* Chills
* Nausea
* Skin breakouts
Although the list is long, if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms it’s a positive sign that your body is clearing out the fungal infection. Over time these uncomfortable symptoms will diminish as health and energy increases.
Flush Out Candida with Water
Help your body to flush out the Candida Albicans by drinking at least half a gallon to one gallon of water or unsweetened herbal tea each day. Unless recommended by your physician, don’t drink any more than one gallon unless you’re very dehydrated due to summer heat and/or intense physical exercise as this can cause an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes.
Soak Out Candida in the Tub
Add one cup of Epsom salts or baking soda to a tub of water as hot as is comfortable. Soak in the tub for up to half an hour to help draw out toxins through the pores of your skin. Don’t soak in a hot tub though if you’re pregnant.
Sweat Out Candida with Exercise
Exercising regularly produces sweat, in turn this helps to release toxins through the body’s largest organ, the skin. By exercising 3-6 times a week for 20 or 30 minutes each time, you can assist your detoxification efforts, lift your mood, increase energy and health, and strengthen your muscles.
Supplements Help Candida Die-Off
Vitamins that boost the immune system are helpful in reducing yeast die-off symptoms. Some good choices are vitamins A, C, E, and selenium. Fiber supplements such as psyllium husk or oat fiber will bind to toxins, pulling them from the body through elimination. Take these as directed on the package labels.
Candida Die-Off Timeframe
The more intense your Candida cleanse program, the more severe your die-off symptoms will be. Prescription drugs such as Nystatin tend to cause the worse die-off symptoms, with natural antifungals such as grapefruit see extract and oregano oil capsules causing slightly less severe symptoms. Depending on how long you’ve had Candida will usually determine how long symptoms will last. The average time is approximately two weeks, though people heal at their own rate. Symptoms are only temporary, showing that your cleansing program is working.
Common Candida Die-Off Symptoms
* Dizziness
* Headache
* Fuzzy thinking
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Angry outbursts
* Gas & bloating
* Flatulence
* Diarrhea
* Constipation
* Joint pain
* Muscle pain
* Body aches
* Sore throat
* Fatigue
* Exhaustion
* Need for more sleep
* Sweating
* Chills
* Nausea
* Skin breakouts
Although the list is long, if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms it’s a positive sign that your body is clearing out the fungal infection. Over time these uncomfortable symptoms will diminish as health and energy increases.
Flush Out Candida with Water
Help your body to flush out the Candida Albicans by drinking at least half a gallon to one gallon of water or unsweetened herbal tea each day. Unless recommended by your physician, don’t drink any more than one gallon unless you’re very dehydrated due to summer heat and/or intense physical exercise as this can cause an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes.
Soak Out Candida in the Tub
Add one cup of Epsom salts or baking soda to a tub of water as hot as is comfortable. Soak in the tub for up to half an hour to help draw out toxins through the pores of your skin. Don’t soak in a hot tub though if you’re pregnant.
Sweat Out Candida with Exercise
Exercising regularly produces sweat, in turn this helps to release toxins through the body’s largest organ, the skin. By exercising 3-6 times a week for 20 or 30 minutes each time, you can assist your detoxification efforts, lift your mood, increase energy and health, and strengthen your muscles.
Supplements Help Candida Die-Off
Vitamins that boost the immune system are helpful in reducing yeast die-off symptoms. Some good choices are vitamins A, C, E, and selenium. Fiber supplements such as psyllium husk or oat fiber will bind to toxins, pulling them from the body through elimination. Take these as directed on the package labels.
Candida Die-Off Timeframe
The more intense your Candida cleanse program, the more severe your die-off symptoms will be. Prescription drugs such as Nystatin tend to cause the worse die-off symptoms, with natural antifungals such as grapefruit see extract and oregano oil capsules causing slightly less severe symptoms. Depending on how long you’ve had Candida will usually determine how long symptoms will last. The average time is approximately two weeks, though people heal at their own rate. Symptoms are only temporary, showing that your cleansing program is working.
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Nice Information!!! The subject of candida is not something that is openly discussed in polite conversation. Therefore for many men and women, the occurrence of candida, including their symptoms, diagnosis, prevention as well as treatment remains something of a mystery. But natural cure for candida is also available and I would say that your blog is really very help in this regard… Keep on sharing.